piątek, 8 marca 2013

Duty free man – or duty freer

When I was in Vienna I took classes treated about managing in globalized world. In one of the readings (we had to read some Harvard Business papers which was quite interesting) I have read about “duty freer” – it was the first time I actually saw this name. In this paper author described not the pure globalization but people who caught the flow of globalization. They started to find themselves in exploring the world – literally – travelling everywhere, working everywhere. I am wondering how amazing it should be to spend one or two (maximum 5 years) in one place and when you get bored just move out. I remember author mentioned that  those people “21st century nomads” are not alone – they have many friends worldwide, they meet a partner who is the same duty freer then travel together, and they describe themselves as a happy generation. And I started to wonder if it’s the best way to spend my lifetime – what really scares me is that I actually do!  I do want to spend my life travelling.
And I don’t think it’s crazy (as my friends told me) it’s coded in our brains since we were primitive man – people were migrating all the time. When a tribe was run out of  resources they moved. In the time of internationalization people do exactly the same – when we don’t feel satisfied we change the place. From village to the city, from smaller city to bigger city, than to capital, and in the end we move abroad.
For those who want to explore two totally different  cultures - China-Russia are the best places to start! I took this photo in Beijing Airport!!! :D
There are so many places to visit and so many people to meet, that I just feel sad when I think that I could  be bound to one place! No way!  

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